This document outlines the specifications for METALS, an intermediate language designed to facilitate the translation of high-level source code to machine code and back. METALS aims to provide a platform-independent representation that allows for efficient code optimization and generation. Other than most IRs, METALS was made to provide a translation layer between different languages. When converting to METALS, enough information is retained to convert the input code to another high-level language. Considering that, METALS may also be used as a rosetta intermediate layer for converting one high-level language to another.

Let’s look at an example: The following JavaScript code will be converted to METALS. Then another backend will take over and convert the intermediate representation to Python.

Please note that decompiling is not perfect and might result in sub-optimal code. The code will work and might even be faster than handwritten code in some circumstances but in decompiling the human-readability might suffer a lot. METALS was designed to mitigate this issue or at the very least make it less obvious, but it’s NOT PERFECT.

Source (JavaScript)

// program to display fibonacci sequence using recursion
function fibonacci(num) {
    if(num < 2) {
        return num;
    else {
        return fibonacci(num-1) + fibonacci(num - 2);

Intermediate representation (METALS)

fn fibonacci(i32 @num) {
	if (
		%lt @num, 2
	) {
		%return @num
	} else {
		$: fibonacci(@num - 1) + fibonacci(@num - 2)
		%return $

Target (Python)

def fibonacci(num):
	if (num < 2):
		return num
		return fibonacci(num - 1) + fibonacci(num - 2)

Target (Lisp)

(defun fibonacci (num)
	(if (< num 2)
		(return-from fibonacci num)
		(return-from fibonacci (+ (fibonacci (- num 1)) (fibonacci (- num 2))))))

As you can see in the example using lisp, the resulting code is not perfect. Instead of using return-from fibonacci we could have simply used num and (+ (fibonacci (- num 1)) (fibonacci (- num 2))) respectively as lisp returns the last expression by default. However, these results will get better as backends adapt to more edge cases.

Before transitioning larger snippets or even projects please make sure that the transforming and receiving backend have been implemented to such a point where the stdlib of your source and target language have been fully implemented, otherwise some functionality might be lost.