Importing Modules

Modules are a way to organize and reuse syntax definitions. They can be imported into other syntax definitions using the .IMPORT keyword. This allows you to define a syntax once and use it in multiple places.


.IMPORT "<module-name>"

Where <module-name> is the name of the module to be imported. The module name must be equal to the file name including it’s file extension.

.IMPORT works relative to the directory of the importing file. If the module is in a different directory, you can use a relative path to the module file.


└── project-directory/
    ├── main.meta
    └── lib/
        ├── subroutines.meta  
        └── utils.meta

Let’s say you want to import the subroutines.meta file into the main.meta file. You can do this by using the .IMPORT keyword.

.IMPORT "lib/subroutines.meta"

This will import the syntax definitions from subroutines.meta into main.meta. By using the .EXTEND keyword, you can extend the main program with the imported syntax definitions. Learn more about .EXTEND here.